1 Aug 2019
The first draft of the ‘ruminant economy’ was discussed at a meeting of the committee of the European Social Weeks, as background to our discussion of the theme for the 8th European Social Week. (more…)
Tags: christelijk sociaal, English, European Social Week, laudato si, publiek, ruminant economy, social dialogue, St. Franciscus
Posted in Column
31 Jul 2019
A few concluding statements containing the ideas that I would like to be remembered, and a couple of ideas I could not place in the essays.
Tags: christelijk sociaal, English, European Social Week, ruminant economy, social dialogue
Posted in Column
26 Jul 2019
There is labour, which is productive and which takes care of the material well-being of the community. In a healthy society, one where extreme scarcity (hunger, poverty) is not the paramount reality, productive labour produces a surplus (more…)
Tags: christelijk sociaal, democratie, economische ongelijkheid, English, European Social Week, gemeenschap, precariaat, ruminant economy, solidariteit, St. Franciscus, vrijgevigheid
Posted in Column
25 Jul 2019
For about two centuries, the economy has been approached from the frame of labour and capital. The core is ‘productive’ labour: we make something that has more value than the sum of its ‘ingredients’: (more…)
Tags: basic income, economische ongelijkheid, English, European Social Week, labour unions, ruminant economy, social dialogue
Posted in Column
24 Jul 2019
Our image that accompanies unemployment is always about the jobs that have disappeared yesterday and the developments that have led to that situation. It is the employment policy of yesterday that politics and labour unions often are protecting. (more…)
Tags: basic income, English, European Social Week, labour unions, precariaat, ruminant economy, social dialogue
Posted in Column
23 Jul 2019
There is a short story by Heinrich Böll called “Anecdote to lower labour morality” (“Anekdote zur Senkung der Arbeitsmoral”, 1963). It is about a tourist who takes a picture of a man dozing on his fishing boat, shabby clothes, the picturesque poverty one sees on holiday in European fishing harbours. (more…)
Tags: christelijk sociaal, European Social Week, expulsions, ruminant economy
Posted in Column
20 Jul 2019
At the European Social Week in Milan, Februari 2019, I heard two presentations that shed an interesting light on the current state of labour and employment in Europe. In a number of articles, I would like to discuss some aspects of this situation that I think are important. (more…)
Tags: christelijk sociaal, English, European Social Week, precariaat, ruminant economy, social dialogue, solidariteit, vrijgevigheid
Posted in Column
21 May 2019
Hoe democratisch is ‘Europa’ en waar eindigt de ‘steeds hechtere unie’? Absolute antwoorden heb ik niet, wel wat overwegingen uit mijn ervaring als zeer betrokken buitenstaander. (more…)
Tags: Europa, European Social Week, social dialogue
Posted in Column
22 Feb 2019
Europe has climbed out of the crisis, employment rates are rapidly raising in a lot of European countries. At the same time, there are more ‘working poor’ than unemployed in The Netherlands. (more…)
Tags: christelijk sociaal, democratie, economische ongelijkheid, English, Europa, European Social Week, expulsions, gemeenschap, labour unions, organisatie, social dialogue, solidariteit, verzorgingsstaat
Posted in Column
29 Jan 2014
With these three words Elena Lasida characterised a social economy that enhances society. She gave one of the clearer and more intriguing presentations on the 5th European Social Week, held in Ostend, Belgium, from 23-25 January 2014. (more…)
Tags: belofte, English, European Social Week, promise
Posted in Column
27 Jan 2014
Met die drie woorden karakteriseerde Elena Lasida een sociale economie die het samenleven bevordert. Zij had daarmee één van de meer intrigerende en heldere bijdragen aan de 5de Europese Sociale Week (more…)
Tags: belofte, European Social Week, verbond
Posted in Column
8 Nov 2012
Youth unemployment is a big issue in Europe. With an average of 20%, and some countries scoring as high as 50%, youth are worse off than the total workforce. Inevitable? Youth unemployment follows the general trend, (more…)
Tags: English, European Social Week, labour unions
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