Posted: 10 Oct 2018 | h-en-s
Secular and modern people, living mainly in the western world. Most of its members speak English. Their origin is not quite sure. Their culture, however, is clearly present. The highpoint of their cultural life takes place at the end of the month December, when they celebrate X’mas. This feast, a modern interpretation of a traditional and pagan midwinter solstice ritual, gives the occasion to give each other presents and to eat a lot. It is a family feast, but others are involved in it too: it is customary to send family and friends a card with as a message “Season’s Greetings.”
An important person for this feast is ‘Father X’mas’, an old man with a beard wearing red clothes and riding on a sleight which is pulled by 8 reindeer. Due to his one sided diet of coca cola, as Franz Kafka described a black coloured drink with a burning taste, this man is fairly overweight. He lives ‘somewhere up north’. For reasons yet unclear this shabby person is quite often considered to be Saint Nicolas, bishop of Myra and the patron of sailors and friend of children. However, his name’s day is 6 December, and it is mainly due to the complete lack of historical knowledge of the X’ians that this mix up has occurred.
After this feast, the X’ians lead a fairly inconspicuous life, till at the end of October X’mas preparations start again. This time is very tense for X’ians, because every X’mas has to be the best they have ever had. Many are therefor glad when it is all over.
Posted in Alternative Encyclopedia